Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Learning by Doing

The young people at St. Mark are engaging in Bible study in their own way. Engrossed in a particular story for 5-6 weeks, they study, prepare a script, and film their own production of a scriptural passage, for performance in worship. This Holy Week marked the completion of their second project, "The Crucifixion", which aired on Good Friday. 
Long term goals: enrich the faith lives and technological proficiencies of our young people as their prepare to live the good news of Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Summer Camp

St. Mark hosted 55 people for summer camp June 4-8. Our "Camp Hope" was a full-day summer camp, with crafts, games, Bible Studies, discipleship exercises, science class, and storytelling, led by middle schoolers and high schoolers, and supervised by volunteer adults. Our goal: to raise Biblically literate servant leaders, filled with the fruit of the Holy Spirit, following Jesus "on the way." Camp centered around 5 marks and practices of Christian discipleship: Listening, Caring, Believing, Trusting, and Hoping. Campers also learned how to say "I believe in God, Almighty Lord Creator" in sign language! Future Program Goals: Camp expansion to 15 leaders and 50 participants; full-summer camp (every week); stipended leadership positions; staff-led training sessions.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Easter Baptism

As we celebrate the risen life of Jesus, perhaps the best thing to do is baptize in his name. After completing 9 months of catechetical instruction, JJ Gonzales was baptized into the membership of St. Mark. We are excited about her commitment and enthusiasm to follow Jesus in his way of justice and peace. If any fruit of the spirit mark JJ's life, they are love and joy. Join us in unceasing prayer for the blossoming of her discipleship in this place. Goals of catechetical instruction: Witness to and teach elements of faith life, the tradition and intent of Lutheran Christianity, the life of Christian discipleship, and St. Mark membership in order to equip and empower Christian leadership in every St. Mark member.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Agape Cafe

We're claiming a commercial holiday for Jesus. Valentine's Day is the perfect time to express thanks and agape love for one another. A 3-course candlelight dinner, complete with printed menus and table service, is a great way to thank and encourage volunteer ministers and express agape love for one another. And thanks to Tracy, Phil, and Sharleigh for their musical gifts. Agape Cafe Goals: Thank and encourage every member in ministry; provide middle and high schoolers an opportunity for servant leadership; transform a cultural holiday for couples into a ministry celebration for all people; teach about God's agape love for all people.